Our traditional service of lessons and carols with our sister congregation of the International Cornerstone Fellowship begins at 7:00pm. Please join with us as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!
Through the advent season we will have special collection for Kerr Street Mission. Please place a cheque payable to Knox 16 (Kerr Street) in an envelope and place it on the Christmas Tree. One cheque representing the full donation will be given to Kerr Street ministries on behalf of the congregation.
This year as we get ready to celebrate the mystery of Christmas we will follow Mary & Joseph, the prophets and the shepherds as they show us the way to Bethlehem. Here are a couple of the precious moments from this service:
A service of worship will be held on Friday, December 20, 2019 beginning at 10:30am here at Knox 16. Those from the congregation who knew Mildred or wish to support the family are invited to attend the service.
Blue Christmas: a service for those grieving and remembering, will be held on Thursday Dec 19thbeginning at 7:00pm. The Service will be held at Trafalgar Presbyterian Church, 1525 Litchfield Rd, Oakville, ON L6H 5P4.
11:30-2:30pm: A Meal with A Game and A Prayer: Santa, Singing and Sharing Fellowship – sounds like it will be a good time – invite your friends! Pam Damoff, Oakville MP visitis Knox16’s Santa Luncheon:
Christmas can be a painful time for some. It may be a time of change in your life; it may be the first Christmas without a beloved family member; it may be a time that has always been difficult. The constant refrain on the radio and television, in shopping malls and churches, about the happiness […]