Abundant Life – Recognizing God
- On May 9, 2019
- guided, prayer, week, WoGP
Isaiah 2:2-5 … let us walk in the light of the Lord
Daniel 2:19-22 … he knows what lies in the darkness
Luke 1:39-45 … the child leapt in her womb
John 9:24-33 … how did he receive his sight
When I first sat down to write this reflection, the world had begun to burst into leaf and colour – spring had finally arrived. It was as if each bulb that broke through the ground joined the birds in singing: “Christ has Risen. He has risen indeed.” My soul leapt with joy, like the baby in Elizabeth’s womb, as I recognized the life-giving presence of God surrounding me. I could see hope everywhere – Alleluia!
Since then many things have distracted me, kept me away from sitting down to write again. My thoughts turn to those who instead of seeing the world opening up, feel as if their world is closing in. Where are you, God, when dear ones struggle to understand diagnoses and treatments or an unexpected death? Where are you, Lord, when a loved one lies crumpled at the bottom of the stairs or another weeps uncontrollably in the confessional of a coffee shop? Where are you when knife-like pain pierces the eye if light creeps in or when people enjoying the beauty of a spring day are mowed down like grass? Show me where you are – show them.
Then I remember
… the nurses who spoke words of hope and assurance
… the friends who showed up with a smile and a meal
… the music that caused a vacant stare to flicker with recognition
… the multitudes that gathered to pray and cast out fear.
Yes, that’s when I recognize something greater is at work here and grateful tears well up. Thank you, God, for revealing the deep and hidden things I lose sight of when sunshine and delight fill my days.
Today when I sat down to write, I began by listening to a daily devotional to help me focus on God’s presence. Guess what the scripture reading was for today? Mary’s visit with Elizabeth! Coincidence or God-incident? I trust it’s the latter. Looks like it was the right time to finish what I had begun.
- Kucharczyk
For Reflection and Journaling:
- What prevents me from recognizing God’s presence?
- How have I been made aware of God’s presence unexpectedly?
Meditative Prayer:
O Mighty One, thank you for all the ways you show up in my life.
Tune my ears and focus my vision so that I can recognize you are with me always. Amen.
Week of Guided PrayerNetwork, Western Ontario Waterways Region, The United Church of Canada, 2018.