Apr 11 2021 – Sunday Worship Posted
- On April 11, 2021
Please click on the link below to get to the Sunday Services Page.
Good Morning –
Today is the 2nd Sunday of Easter – and I hope that you will take time to join our service of worship.
As with the previous weeks I have selected music that I hope enhance the message of the reflection. The first selection is a traditional Easter hymn. The second is a more contemporary hymn that calls us to spread the good news of the Gospel.
Thine be the Glory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbBOOmkMLmI
Shine Jesus Shine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTIGVIcHsFE
The Incredulity of Saint Thomas by Caravaggio
I have included a short reflection on the painting by theologian Ruben Rodriguez. My hope is that it will enable you to enter into the passage from Scripture in a way that provides depth and meaning to the story.
Public worship: Sunday Worship at the church continues to be suspended as we have entered into a 3rd wave of the pandemic and have entered into another province wide lockdown. Session meets on Friday, April 16th during which time we will discuss plans for the spring and summer.
If there is anyone who would like to have a pastoral visit, please reach out to me directly or mention your need to one of your elders.
With Blessings,