
Thank-you for your interest in the mission of Knox Presbyterian Church Sixteen and your willingness to support our mission and ministry.
Your donation to Knox 16 helps to support the various work and mission of our church including:
worship, community outreach, our historic church building as well as local and global missions.

Knox16 offers 4 options for fundraising & offerings

  1. PAR: (pre-authorized remittance) For regular/recurring payments made on your debit card.
    • Please fill out the PAR form
    • Contact our Knox16 treasurer if you need assistance filling our the form.
    • eMail:
  2. Debit/Credit card: Use the SquareTerminal™ at our church to tap or insert card.
  3. Cheque: Make a donation in person with our Pastor/Elders
    • eMail:
  4. Online:

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