January 17 2021 – Worship Service Posted
- On January 17, 2021
Good morning,
My hope is that you have had a good week and that you are well.
This Sunday’s Worship (click here)
Public worship: As per public health directives, public worship has been suspended until further notice. Session has taken the decision to revaluate when public worship will be reinstated at the monthly Session meeting: our next meeting is February 12th.
Annual Meeting: The date for the Annual Meeting has been set for March 14th. As we do not know if we are going to be able to gather as a large group, we have begun to make plans to hold the meeting using Zoom. I would invite anyone who is not familiar with the platform to reach out to me over the next few weeks so that we can assist you in learning how to use the technology. If anyone has any knowledge, experience or interest in “live-streaming” please let me know!
Reaching out to others: I know that these are unsettling times and that many are feeling the strains that come from not being able to be together. So I encourage you to connect to people for conversation and companionship. Especially now, I would encourage everyone to make a daily practice of giving someone a call to check-in. Even a short conversation will lift the spirit of the person you call … and miraculously, it will lift your spirits as well. We are all connected, and we will be stronger & healthier when we are intentional in nurturing our relationships with one another.
Candles for Worship: Our weekly worship services are also a time when we draw closer to God and to one another. As you prepare to listen to the service, I invite you to have a candle ready to light that reminds us of God’s presence with us as well as the wooden Knox 16 that reminds us that we are all connected together.
Today’s worship will focus on how God calls us and engages in our lives. The music I have chosen for today are two congregational favorites that I hope will enrich your reflection.