July 18 2021 – Sunday Worship Posted
- On July 18, 2021
Please click on the link below to get to the Sunday Services Page.
Good Morning
… and welcome to this time of worship. This morning the passage from scripture is Psalm 23. To help guide our reflection I have chosen 2 pieces of music from Bob Dufford that reinforce the faithfulness of God in whom we place our trust.
Like A Shepherd by Bob Dufford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb7HSCxJ-ck
Be Not Afraid by Bob Dufford: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0TqHiZpw7s
Ministers Vacations: Rev. Patrick will be taking vacation from July 19th – August 15th. He and Diane will be travelling to Newfoundland to visit family and friends. Rev. Sean Foster will be available in the event that there is a requirement for pastoral care during this time.
Vacation Worship: Rev. Patrick’s has prepared a series of worship video’s focused on the parables of Jesus for the weeks during his vacation. They will be posted at the usual time on Sunday Morning.
Zoom Worship: Our next “Zoom” worship will take place on August 29th.
Garage Sale: We will be hosting a garage sale on Saturday, September 23rd. More details to follow as we get closer!
Welcome Back Sunday: September 12this the day that we will join together for public worship! (if all things go well with vaccinations and we are safe to do so!) We hope to have a wonderful day of celebration!
Monthly Financial Update: Below is the monthly financial update. You will notice that expense have been managed and that income has increased – placing the congregation in a net positive financial position. The primary reason has been the lump-sum payment from the city of Oakville for rental of the parking lot.
With Blessings