Jun 27 2021 – Announcements to accompany Zoom Sunday Worship
- On June 27, 2021
Good Morning …
My hope is that you had a good week and are ready to join us for worship this morning.
Today we will be worshiping together over Zoom. Worship will begin at 10:00am – so please ensure that you have signed in before 9:55 so that we can begin on time. I will be joining at 9:30 so if anyone would like to have a chat, please feel free to join! Here is the link for the worship service :
The service will be taped and the worship video will be send out later on Sunday or Monday.
Garden work Party:
We’ll be having a day to tend to the cemetery garden – your presence would be great (your help would also be appreciated).
Day: Saturday, July 10th
Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
What to Bring: a smile and a rake
What You’ll Receive: Cold drinks, satisfaction from a job well done and likely a sore back.
Contact: John Best at besty007@cogeco.ca to let him know you will be coming!
Review of Finances YTD May, 2021
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If you have questions related to the financial report, please direct them to our treasurer Ken Harrower treasurerk16@gmail.com
Presbyterian Church in Canada: General Assembly (June 6-9, 2021)
Human Sexuality: Lengthy discussion dominated the meetings regarding Remit B and C (see below). After years of prayerful debate and study, and much passionate and heartfelt discussion, The Presbyterian Church in Canada agreed to make changes to its theology and practice regarding marriage, permitting people to choose to define marriage as either as a covenant relationship between a man and a woman or a covenant relationship between two adult people. These decisions provide Presbyterian ministers with liberty of conscience and the freedom to choose to officiate or not officiate at the marriages of same-sex couples.
Additionally, the church agreed that LGBTQI people (whether married or single) can be ordained and are welcome to serve as ministers and ruling elders. These decisions accompany other resolutions about policies and programs that will help the church include LGBTQI people more fully in all aspects of ministry. The church will also prepare a confession to all individuals and congregations that have been harmed by the church’s exclusion of LGBTQI.[i]
(Remit B) The Presbyterian Church in Canada holds two parallel definitions of marriage and recognizes that faithful, Holy Spirit filled, Christ centred, God honouring people can understand marriage as a covenant relationship between a man and a woman or as a covenant relationship between two adult persons. That congregations, sessions, ruling and teaching elders be granted liberty of conscience and action on marriage.
(Remit C) That congregations and presbyteries may call and ordain as ministers and elect and ordain as ruling elders LGBTQI persons (married or single) with the provision that liberty of conscience and action regarding participation in ordinations, inductions and installations be granted to ministers and ruling elders.
I invite everyone to watch the attached video Not All Are Welcome. This is a presentation of the Rainbow Communion Special Listening Committee and is a poignant exposition of what is means to be excluded. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muSNSOCHwnU
Knox 16 Church Parking Lot:
You will be noticing that our church parking lot will become busier! We’ve entered into an agreement with the Town of Oakville to rent the parking lot at Knox 16 for the next three years while the new bridge is being constructed over the Sixteen Mile Creek.
As of June 1, 2021 the parking lot became public parking controlled by the Town from Monday to Saturday. On Sundays there will be no public parking in the parking lot unless you have a parking permit. Members and guests of our congregation will all be getting free parking permits!
This Agreement will provide some financial benefits to the congregation as well as some saving related to winter maintenance. It will also provide us the opportunity to engage in some “Parking-Lot Evangelism!” (don’t be concerned if you do not know what parking-lot evangelism is – I just made it up! … but you have to admit that it does sound catchy!)
Session will provide more details of the Agreement over the coming weeks. However, If you have any questions, please email Gord Petrie at gb_petrie@hotmail.com or give him a call at 905-878-6150 .
… and if you would like a pastoral conversation please reach out either by phone 905 257 2770 or by e-mail pastor@knox16.com.
With Blessings