Knox 16 Monthly Bulletin: May 2023
- On May 23, 2023
Hi everyone.
There is a lot to cover this month! Please read over the enclosed and reach out to myself or your elder if you have questions!
With Gratitude & Blessing
Special Congregational Meeting
We will have a special congregational meeting on Sunday, May 28, 2023 immediately following our service of worship. There is one item on the agenda – Amalgamation with Hopedale PC. The motion that will be put before the congregation is:
That the congregation of Knox Sixteen Presbyterian church enter into formal discussions with Hopedale PC toward amalgamation of the two congregations into a new congregation – with the understanding that the decision to amalgamate or not will be made at a future congregational meeting.
This move is being recommended by the Session of Knox 16 following a series of preliminary meetings that occurred between the leadership of the two churches as well as a meaningful service of worship and enjoyable time of fellowship between the two congregations.
The Session of Hopedale voted unanimously to recommend to the congregation of Hopedale PC to enter into discussions with Knox 16 toward amalgamations of the two congregations. Hopedale has a congregational meeting scheduled for May 28, 2023 at which time they will also decide upon their next step.
Service of Remembrance & Hope – May 28th
This Sunday we will have our annual service of Remembrance & Hope! Following our time of fellowship (this week is also Meet-n-greet) we will spend time in the cemetery planting flowers.
Financial Update
Finance Update YTD April 2023:
Total Income $ 17,822
Total Expenses $ 33,712
Excess Income/Expenses ($ 15,890)
- We had a successful garage sale on Saturday, May 13th, raising over $1,500!
- At the Annual Meeting the Treasurer made a appeal for members to consider making a special donation toward the operations and mission of the church.
190th Anniversary Celebrations: remembering the past … embracing the future
Much planning has begun toward the planning of the 190th Anniversary Celebrations! I encourage you to mark the dates on your calendar and get ready to get involved!
- Mission Project: Sunday, Sept 3rd for 6 weeks
- Anniversary Service: Sunday, Sept 17th
- Heritage Day: Saturday, Sept 23rd
- T&R Service: Sunday, Sept 24th
- Harvest Dinner: Saturday, Oct 21st
- Book Study: Wednesdays, Oct 18th for 4 weeks
- Week of Guided Prayer: Nov 19-25th
Summer Worship Schedule
This summer we will join with the congregation of Hopedale PC for Sunday worship. Both churches will be used for worship during the summer months. Below is a list of the locations and times of service for the summer beginning Sunday, June 16, 2023. Worship begins at 10:00am at Hopedale and 10:30am at Knox 16.
Members of Knox 16 are encouraged to attend worship at both locations as we get to know the members of Hopedale by sharing worship and fellowship through the summer months.
June 18 10:00 am Hopedale
June 25 10:30 am Knox 16
July 2 10:30 am Knox 16
July 9 10:30 am Knox 16
July 16 10:00 am Hopedale * Rev Gushue leading worship
July 23 10:30 am Knox 16
July 30 10:30 am Knox 16
August 6 10:30 am Knox 16
August 13 10:00 am Hopedale
August 20 10:00 am Hopedale
August 27 10:30 am Knox 16