Knox 16 Monthly News Bulletin – February 2023
- On February 22, 2023
Hi everyone.
As part of our desire to keep everyone informed and up to speed with what is happening at the church, Session has requested that I send out a monthly bulletin. In it I’ll include some important announcements, dates to remember and an update on our financial position.
If you have questions as you read over the bulletin, please send me an e-mail or speak to me on Sunday.
With Gratitude & Blessing
Announcements & Updates
- Meet-n-Eat: February 26th
- Join us for food and conversation following worship
- Everyone is welcome. Bring a food item to share
- Knox 16 – Annual Meeting: Sunday, March 26th
- Please plan to attend this very important congregational meeting
- We will also have our monthly meet-n-eat on this day
- Lent & Easter Worship Services
- April 6, 2023: Maundy Thursday Service – White Oak PC (Mississauga)
- April 7, 2023: Good Friday Service – Knox 16 (joint service with ICF)
- April 9, 2023: Easter Sunday Service – Knox 16 (joint service with ICF)
- More details will follow in the March bulletin!
- Garage Sale: Saturday May 13th
- Plans are underway for a garage sale for the spring … so hold your stuff.
- If you have “good items” we will be selling them on-line – see Rev. Pat or Chris McLaughlin to arrange for their sale
- Your help in planning the event or working on the day would be greatly appreciated!
- 190th Anniversary Celebration Committee
- This year Knox PC Sixteen will celebrate its 190th Anniversary and would like to celebrate in a special way. If you would like to be part of the team that is planning the celebration, please let Rev. Pat or a member of Session know that you are interested.
- Presbyterian Church in Canada: Same-Sex Wedding Registry
- Following the reception of same-sex couples into full communion in the denomination, the PCC has established a registry of churches for the benefit of same-sex couples considering marriage.
- Rev Gushue and Session have registered Knox 16 as a pastoral charge where both minister and congregation welcome same-sex weddings
- Finance Update YTD January 2023:
Total Income $ 3,494
Total Expenses $ 12,358
Excess Income/Expenses ($ 8,865)
- As a congregation we continue to run a deficit.
- What can we do? 3 things to consider!!
- Consider Increasing weekly offering amount
- Make offerings when not present in worship
- Consider adding Knox 16 to your will
In the event of inclement winter weather, where it may be treacherous to be driving, the Knox Sixteen cancellation policy with take effect.
Cancellation of church service is the joint responsibility of the Minister and the Clerk of Session. The decision to cancel the worship service will be made by 8:00 am on the morning of church service.
All congregation members will be advised of the cancellation by email by the Clerk of Session. If we do not have your email address, you will be contacted by telephone by your assigned Elder, as soon as possible as to the cancellation.
The Cancellation Notice will also be posted on the Knox 16 website.
Please check your email and the website on Sunday morning for the Notice of Cancellation.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact either the Minister, or the Clerk of Session, or your assigned Elder.
- Minister – Rev. Patrick Gushue905-466-0027
- Clerk – Brenda Connell905-516-1534
- Bryce McBain905-827-8455
- Cathie Best905-878-7409
- Gord Petrie905-878-6150