LIVING IN THE PRESENCE – Seeking Attentiveness
- On May 26, 2020
- 2020, guided, prayer, week, WoGP
Genesis 28 : 10 – 17
John 10 : 3 – 4
I remember sharing with a mother who was struggling to find direction in the challenges of leading a household of teens and young adults. Her plea echoes in my life, “God, couldn’t you just write it on the clouds?”
How many times did God offer words to Jacob before he laid his head on the stone and dreamt of the ladder? I remember singing “We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” with energy and enthusiasm in Sunday School and at Cub Camp. Yet despite worshipping faithfully almost every Sunday for 50 years, there are few times when I recognize clearly in the moment where the Spirit is inviting me. At times, this leaves me feeling that I am not faithful enough. At other times, I wonder if God is really present.
Today, Jesus’ words to the Pharisees, “The kingdom of God is among you,” leads me to a place where I experience God in me. I grew up expecting to find Jesus outside of me – in church, in worship, in the words of the preacher. It is true the church has helped me come to a place where I recognize God’s presence in the words of scripture, in worshipping, in studying with, in sharing with and in helping others. Weeks of Guided Prayer are helping me be attentive to my body, mind and spirit in a new way. The stirring of my heart, the tiredness in my limbs, the tension in my jaw, the glimpses of insight are places where God is writing a word of hope, encouragement, guidance, comfort and love not outside for everyone to see, but in a very real way in me.
May each of us seek to be more attentive to the Spirit of life within us and among us.
H. Leffler
For Reflection and Journaling:
- In what ways do I recognize God speaking to me?
- Where in my life am I being invited to be more attentive to the voice of God?
Meditative Prayer:
“Open My Eyes” Clara H. Schott 1895
Holy One,
Open my ears, that I may hear voices of truth thou sendest clear; and while the wave-notes fall on my ear, everything false will disappear. Silently now I wait for thee, ready, my God thy will to see.
Open my ears, illumine me, Spirit divine! Amen.
Material produced by Week of Guided Prayer Network, Hamilton Conference, United Church of Canada, 2011.