Knox Presbyterian Church Sixteen is a caring Christian community … caring for the community
We are a Christian community who, with empathy and compassion, is present in and for the world sharing God’s love with all.
We do this by:
- Deepening our spiritual relationship with God.
- Nurturing our relationships with one another.
- Welcoming newcomers into our community.
- Seeking out those who are lonely or abandoned.
- Sharing what we have with those who are in need.
Knox Presbyterian Church Sixteen supports a range of organizations and initiatives focused on providing for those in our community and our world who need assistance to live and thrive. Listed below are the organizations that we support through pastoral care, personal engagement and financial contributions.
Kerr Street Mission
Oakville Churches – Food Drive
Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital
Evangel Hall Mission
Presbyterians Sharing
Presbyterian World Service and Development
World Vision
Lighthouse for Grieving Children