Nov 8 2020 – SundayWorship Posted
- On November 8, 2020
Good morning,
Please use this link for today’s worship.
The worship service this morning is our annual Remembrance Day Service. As part of the service we will have a time of remembering which will include the reciting of In Flanders Fields by John McCrae, a reading of the Knox 16 roll and a time of silence.
There are no music selections this week! Because I have figured out how to incorporate music into the worship service. My hope is that by including the music as part of the service that it will enhance your worship experience.
Poinsettias: A reminder that we are once again offering the opportunity to purchase poinsettias. Instructions on how to order and pay were listed in an e-mail from Brenda earlier this week. If you would like to order poinsettias and have not received the e-mail – please send contact me and I will ensure that you receive the information that you need.
Communion: On Sunday, November 22, 2020 we will share communion as part our service of worship. The distribution of communion and the elements will be different than we are used to so that we can ensure that we adhere to the public health guidelines related to keeping safe during the Covid19 pandemic.
And as always, if you would like to have a pastoral visit, please contact your elder of myself, and I will arrange a time when we can meet together.
With Blessings,