Since 2016 when the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital moved to its current location on Dundas Street in north Oakville, Knox 16 has been involved in providing pastoral/spiritual care to patients through its relationship with the hospitals Spiritual Care department. Rev. Gushue is part of the on-call chaplaincy team, and with members of the congregation regularly leads worship for patients on the Complex Transitional Care ward. The Prayer Shawl ministry was conceived during the preparation of worship for these patients: the focus of the worship was on thankfulness and gratitude and the prayer shawl ministry emerged as a response to the question “How can we give thanks at all times and in all places.”

Compassionate care for the human spirit has long been considered an important part of the healing process at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. The hospital experience can be one of great joy, as in the birth of a child or an experience of healing, or of distress and grief in the face of deepening health challenges, chronic conditions or end-of-life passages. In any of these situations, individuals may face questions about who we are, where we belong, on whom we can rely, and what we value and cherish. As part of her provision of spiritual care to the patients of the hospital the Director of Spiritual Care director has identified a number of areas where a prayer/comfort shawl could be used to provide a tangible sign of God’s love and provide comfort including: Palliative Care, Maternal Newborn, Mental Health, and Complex Transitional Care.

The knitters of the congregation get together regularly to knit, share fellowship and to pray – as prayer is the foundation of the Prayer Shawl Ministry

For more information on prayer shawl ministries follow this link.