September 13 2020 – Sunday Worship Posted
- On September 13, 2020
Good Morning,
My hope is that this message finds you well and that you find joy in this day!
Please use this link for today’s worship.
Public Worship
Session met on Friday and approved the church reopening protocol. We are really excited to be coming together for Worship and look forward to seeing everyone!
The decision was taken to have worship services at the church for two Sunday’s: September 20th and September 27th.
The Sunday service for October 4th will be taped and available on the website. The reason for this is so that Session and the reopening committee can review how the members of the congregation have adhered to the protocol: our first priority is to ensure that everyone is safe.
Congregants attending worship will be expected to:
- Wear a face mask
- Physically distance
- Sit in designated pews
- No singing
- No hugging … not even the Minister!
There will also be a process for entering the church:
- Safety questions – to ensure that people do not have symptoms
- A temperature check
- A sanitation station
Most of these precautions are the same ones that we now use when we go into any public building, so we expect that they will not be too inconvenient!
Below are the music selections to accompany todays worship service:
- Amazing Grace: Chris Tomlin
- Make me a channel of your peace: Susan Boyle
With Blessings,