Each year in the spring members of the congregation are invited to participate in a Week of Guided Prayer.

During this retreat – in the midst of everyday life – retreatants spend time each day praying Scripture as well as meeting with a companion who has been trained to journey with each person along their spiritual journey.  The materials for this retreat are prepared through an ecumenical initiative with the Hamilton conference of the United Church of Canada and can be found on the Week of Guided Prayer Network.

Week of Guided Prayer 2022

Sunday, May 1st – Saturday, May 7th .  This year’s retreat theme is Rooted in God – Growing in Faith.  If you have questions, please speak to Rev. Patrick or to a member of the congregation who has participated in a previous Week of Guided Prayer.  To register for the retreat please contact Rev. Patrick.

Rooted in God; Growing in Faith

As people of faith, we are rooted and grounded in the One who is Holy Mystery and Wholly Love. Like sown seeds, the potential for all we are and will become is rooted in our relationship with God. You are invited to join us as we pray scripture during this Guided Prayer Retreat. May God’s word nourish the seeds of faith planted within us as they take root in the fertile soil of God’s love.

Week of Guided Prayer Testimonials

 Alicia McKenzie-Barrow

In April, 2018, I participated in the Week of Guided Prayer entitled, “Living in God’s Time”.  I honestly did not know what to expect being my first time, but by the end of it I could not be happier for the experience! Throughout the week, in reading the reflections and scripture, journaling, prayers and meetings with my companion, it was quickly unfolding to me that I had been guided to participate, based on the timeliness of the theme and content, and the major changes about to take place in my life later on that year. I had not expected the experience to be such a personal and soul searching one, especially during my one on one sessions with my companion – Diane. At the end of session we were all given a mounted post card that read “Everything in God’s Time”, which I keep near my bed as a reminder at the start of each day, of the importance of having patience and waiting on God’s timing, especially when I feel anxious about the future.

The effects of participating in the Week of Guided Prayer, have definitely lived on, and I look forward to the next one. I would encourage everyone to experience it for themselves, it’s a great step in spiritual growth, along with some laughs, tears and getting to know the other participants and companions better!

 David Renwick

For three consecutive years I have come to look forward to The Week of Guided Prayer as an important part of my faith journey.  With my Prayer Companion, throughout the week I am reminded of the power and comfort that comes from praying with scripture.  As I have experienced previously, I will certainly leave WofGP reassured that God is waiting, is forgiving and is listening to my prayers.