May 2 2021 – Sunday Worship Posted
- On May 2, 2021
Please click on the link below to get to the Sunday Services Page.
Good Morning
Today is the 5th Sunday of Easter and it is spring. I have been noticing the early flowers bloom and have enjoyed watching a cardinal show up each morning with a song. This truly is a time when we can believe in new beginnings!
Today’s service of worship centers on the image of the Good Shepherd. The music selections for this morning pick up on that theme:
- Like a Shepherd – choir singing:
- Good Shepherd (Lead On):
- Trust & Obey – Don Moen:
Church Reopening: With the number of Covid -19 cases on the rise, and the knowledge that it will be late in the summer before most members of the congregation will receive their second vaccination, session has taken the decision to defer public worship until after the summer. Sunday, September 12th is the target date for re-opening. This is the Sunday that we traditionally celebrate “Welcome Back Sunday” and it is our hope that this year we will have a wonderful grand celebration!
Connection & Visitation (C&V) Team: A quick update on a ministry that that has evolved and taken shape as a result of the Coovid-19 Pandemic, and our inability to meet together! Under the leadership of Bryce and Bev and the support of Maureen, Anne, Chris, Brenda and Lloyd, the C&V Team have made it a mission to reach out and stay connected with everyone in the congregation. With calls and cards and virtual visits they hope that you feel that you are thought about and held in prayer: Lloyd is also offering to play your favorite hymns over the phone!
…and as always, if there is anyone who would like to have a pastoral visit, you may reach out to me directly.
My hope is that you are feeling the expectant hope that comes with each new spring as a reminder and as a promise. For we are an Easter people.
With Blessings